
Take a Good Look in the Mirror.

February 19, 2009

A friend and I were looking at photos of ourselves as teens (now in our 20’s, it doesn’t seem like that long ago) and my friend made a comment about how thin she looked in her photo. She said she didn’t see herself as thin back then. Although she wasn’t super skinny, she was in great shape and looked really healthy and happy. Now, she’d love to look like she did in the photo from only a few years ago.

Right away, I told her that a lot of women probably feel the same way looking back at their photos. I know that I have at times. Why is that? Why can’t we realize how beautiful we are all the time?

For those of you who are still teens, take a good look in the mirror and celebrate your beauty. For those of you beyond your teen years, make sure to appreciate your beauty as well. You don’t want to wish you knew how beautiful you were when you were in your 20’s.


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