
Stevie Recommends Being a Scrub

October 7, 2009

Sleep in. Don’t freak out if your hair isn’t perfect. Wear less make-up. Be a SCRUB! By scrub, I mean wear sweats and be comfy! It’s okay, I promise. Who cares if you don’t look like you just got your hair done, had a professional apply your make-up or spent all night picking out your outfit?

Reasons why you should go scrub:

  1. Guys actually like it. I read and hear from guys that they like it when a girl can still feel confident in comfortable clothes.
  2. You get to sleep in a little longer, and you spend less time getting ready.
  3. You don’t have to go scrub every day because sometimes it feels good to look really nice and polished.
  4. It’s fun and keeps you from getting angry. Trying to figure out an outfit every day annoys me. Going scrub keeps me from wasting time thinking about my outfit, and from getting mad when I can’t pick something.
  5. I have better ways to spend my time.
  6. You’re being a leader, not a follower. It gives you a way to be your own person instead of trying to fit in with all the new fashions.

I hope these points give you something to think about. Just don’t be like everyone else. Be who you are and do what you want. Don’t follow what everyone else is doing. I’m not saying never dress nicely, I just want my point to get across that it’s okay to wear sweats and be comfortable.


One Response to “Stevie Recommends Being a Scrub”

  1. Fashion Tips for Teens at School: What's in and What's Not | Girls with - Advice for Teens on October 20th, 2009 3:12 pm

    […] you can also watch our discussion about it on Girls With Dreams TV or read Stevie’s advice on ‘Being a Scrub’. addthis_url = […]

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