
Self-Esteem Quiz

February 26, 2009

goofygirlsQuiz: What’s Your Self-Esteem?

Here’s a quick way to find out how well your doing with self-esteem. At Girls With Dreams, we’re redefining self-esteem. It’s not just about how you feel about your looks. It’s much bigger than that. Take out a sheet of paper and get ready for the quiz…you’ll see what we mean!

Write down the following words…

Beauty, Boys, Friends, Family, School, Challenges

Now, on a scale of 1-10 rate how you are doing with Self Esteem in each of these areas. For example,

Beauty: Do you feel confident and beautiful? Do you feel good about your body? Do you put yourself down?

Boys: Do you value yourself based on boys comments or opinions? Do you feel confident when talking to boys?

Friends: Can you stand up to your friends if you disagree? Do you feel like equals? Do your friends build you up?

Family: Do you feel confident around your siblings and parents? Do you say positive things about yourself?

School: This has 2 parts (Grades and Social Scene). How do you feel about your academic abilities? Do you feel confident? Are you embarassed about your bad grades or good grades? Do you ever play dumb? Socially, do you feel like you fit in somewhere? Do you feel good about yourself at school?

Challenges: How do you deal with stress? With peer pressure? Do you have confidence in your abilities?

Next, take a look at where you scored the highest and lowest. You want to build off of your strengths. Maybe you’re really confident about your grades, but you feel useless around your friends. You can change that. Sometimes it means it’s time to find new friends, but it could also mean you need to assert yourself more.

Watch for more tips on self esteem and confidence here at Girls With Dreams and YouTube.


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