How do you make the world a better place?
As we continue our national survey of teen aspirations and goals, we have two more questions to ask today. 1. How do you make the world a better place right now? 2. If nothing was getting in...
Know someone struggling?
Depression, anxiety, suicide, eating disorders, addiction…so many girls struggle with mental health issues every day, yet are too afraid to ask for help. There is a new resource we love. Critical Mental Health Resources for College Students. Check it out and please pass it on to a friend!
How do you make the world a better place?
As we continue our national survey of teen aspirations and goals, we have two more questions to ask today.
1. How do you make the world a better place right now?
2. If nothing was getting in your way… what would you want to do to make the world a better place? Do you have a dream of something you’ve always wanted to start but didn’t know how or might not have had the resources to get started? What is it?
What Would You Do If You Weren’t Afraid?
Here at Girls With Dreams, you might notice we’ve been asking alot of questions lately. We want to know what you’re biggest dreams, hopes, and aspirations are for your life and the world!
We hope you’ll help us out and let us know the answer to today’s question….what would you do if you weren’t afraid?
We Want to Know…What’s Your Dream?
We really want to hear from you! What is your dream? What do you see your self doing in 1 year? Five years? Ten years from now?
How do you make the world a better place?As we continue our national survey of teen aspirations and goals, we have two more questions to ask today. 1. How do you make the world...
What Would You Do If You Weren’t Afraid?Here at Girls With Dreams, you might notice we’ve been asking alot of questions lately. We want to know what you’re biggest...
We Want to Know…What’s Your Dream?We really want to hear from you! What is your dream? What do you see your self doing in 1 year? Five years? Ten years from now? ...

Barbara hopes to major in journalism at Mizzou once she graduates high school. She’s...

Tori is a senior in High School in Missouri, and is the editor of her school’s journalism...

Becca plays on her school’s varsity field hockey team and will start playing lacrosse...

Thu attends high school in Missouri and hopes to major in Business at the University of Missouri-Kansas...

Carrie wants to start a movement and revolution for girls to build each other up instead...

Stevie participates in track, mentoring and editing for yearbook at her high school. She likes...

Aubrey is studying business and sociology at Webster University in St. Louis. She loves to...

Kate is the editor and art director at Girls with Dreams. In the Powder Box Secrets she reveals...
Talk to Your Kids about Online SafetyLearn how to keep your kids safe online and how to talk to them about online safety in an article by Carrie Silver-Stock on page 27...
Parents and Teachers Can Prevent BullyingWith the recent media attention of bullying and it’s tragic effects, many parents and teachers are asking, what more can we do? ...
Keep Your Kids Safe OnlineOne of the best ways to keep your kids safe online is by empowering them to make good choices. Teaching our kids how to use technology...