
Learning to Laugh at Yourself

July 3, 2008

n15900106_36528438_4070As I we grow up, it’s important to remind ourselves not to take things too seriously. I’ve had a lot going on this year, from getting engaged to buying our first house, and it would have been much more stressful if I hadn’t remembered to slow down and be grateful for what I have every once in a while. New experiences can make you feel vulnerable, but everything will work out just fine as long as you maintain a sense of humor.

As I’ve blossomed into adulthood, I’ve become my favorite source for a good laugh. We all do pretty silly things sometimes, so stop and take notice of the quirky things you do that might make you laugh. Whether it’s crying during Sister Act or always getting seconds on cereal when there’s milk left in the bowl, learning to laugh at yourself will make you a stronger person and make it easier to deal with difficult situations when they arise.

What are some funny things about you that help you take things less seriously?


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