
How to Avoid Being Bored This Summer

June 10, 2010

footSchool’s out for the summer! I can’t believe it’s over, but now the fun is beginning. To be honest, I sleep until noon. I lay around all day, and it’s not really productive.

Waking up early will help make your summer more enjoyable.
Get up around 8, go for a morning jog, and then get your chores done like laundry and cleaning your room.

That’ll leave the day for you to go to work and make money.
The night will be all yours to go out with friends.  Here are a few fun things to try:
Go cosmic bowling, putt-putting, Go out for banana splits, Camp in your backyard, Have a chick flick movie night, Play flashlight tag, volleyball, or a have a bonfire.

There is plenty to do over summer, but don’t waste it WAITING for something to happen. Be safe and make the most of the days.


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