
Have You Ever Felt Alone?

June 5, 2009

This post is for those of us who have ever felt lonely or been too hard on ourselves. This post is for everyone who has ever said, “I can’t”. Remember that you are all beautiful, smart, and just downright cool.

With every weakness comes a strength, and every strength has weaknesses. Our strengths help to define us and help us to stand out as individuals. Our weakness should not be viewed as detriments to our personality, but as opportunities to grow and learn more about ourselves. Overcoming a weakness will only take us one step closer to becoming the person we strive to be. Weakness, in a form, is our greatest strength. Acknowledging weaknesses allow us to move past the embarrassment and the feelings of inadequacy.

For every girl who feels unwanted, undeserving or insignificant, strive not to be “The Popular Girl”. Instead, strive to see yourself as special. Once you’ve achieved this, try to make someone else feel the same way. One person might not seem like much, but think of how much progress we’ll make if we can all do this!

Independence and love are the greatest gifts we can give ourselves, and the greatest hope we can offer to others around us. Be comfortable with who you are. You are unique and beautiful just the way you were created.


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