
Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff

August 25, 2009

This morning I woke up late, making my ride to school wait an extra ten minutes. Once I got to school, I realized I forgot my lunch. Good thing I had a couple bucks on me. After I got my lunch and walked to the room I usually eat in, it was locked. After school, I was helping a friend make a video for her cheerleading squad, and NOTHING on the computer was working. On top of that, my ride home showed up early and sat there waiting for me to get done. I eventually just had to leave even though all the video stuff wasn’t fixed. When I got home, my mom called and said she was working late, so I had to clean the kitchen and make dinner.

But I was still in a good mood.

Why? Because I try not to sweat the small stuff.

If you worry about every little thing that goes wrong, you’ll be pulling your hair out all day and nothing will get accomplished. My dad is one of the most pessimistic people I’ve ever met. He thinks the world is ending when one tiny thing goes wrong. So when something serious goes wrong, he just can’t cope with it.

This is something I’ve learned over time. Think about it. Simply getting mad and frustrated at something isn’t going to solve it. And what’s worse, you’re in a horrible mood afterward! Don’t get me wrong, I still have my moments, but I try to keep them at a minimum. It’s actually an effort I have to make.

If a few bad things happen, don’t waste your energy getting mad. I’m not saying to ignore your feelings, though. By all means, solve your problem in the best way you can. But if you’re thinking with a clear mind, it will go a lot smoother and faster, and you can walk away from the situation with a smile. That way when something big really DOES happen, you’ll be better equiped to handle it.


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