
Charice Pempengco is a Big Dreamer!

September 23, 2008

Have you heard Charice Pempengco sing?  She was featured on and when I heard her sing, I was completely inspired like many others. For any of you that have dreamed of being a singer or achieving another dream of yours, Cahrice has a lot to teach us.

Growing up in Phillipines presented many challenges and hardships, but she never gave up. She also shared her “Dream Journal” where she expressed her dreams of the future. She had even placed pictures of Celine Dion and herself together. Guess what? That dream came true and she has sung with Celine.

Have you ever started a dream journal or a vision board (a place to put pictures of your dreams)? It’s a great way to get inspired to reach for your dreams.

If you haven’t heard her sing yet, you can go to or also


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