
Carrie, Founder and Blogger

February 19, 2009


Carrie wants to start a movement and revolution for girls to build each other up instead of putting each other down. She wants a fun, creative place where teens can share new ideas and support for some of their toughest problems while also hanging out with other girls who are up to really BIG things. 

Carrie loves being outside and hanging out with her family.  She is married and has two boys and two dogs.  She stays active by walking, boating, water-skiing, practicing pilates, and hanging out anywhere near a beach, even though she currently lives in St. Louis.  She loves healthy eating, and is a bit of a flexitarian, but you’d be surprised to find out chocolate is one of her favorite foods. 

She is very excited about her new book, Secrets Girls Keep: What Girls Hide (& Why) and How to Break the Stress of Silence (HCI). 

Read more about Carrie here. 


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