
What’s your prom after party?

April 20, 2010

Two nights ago, I had my Senior prom. It was one of the best nights of my life. It lasted from 6-11. We danced, ate, and took pictures all night long. It was simply a great time. After prom, there’s always parties. There’s always something going on. It’s the stereotype that comes with prom night. There will be drinking, driving, and usually drunk driving. That’s why our school plans a pre-prom assembly each year to discourage drunk driving.

Let me remind you: I am eighteen. I have many friends who do drink. I have many who do not drink, and I am proud to be one of those few.  I am the type of person who can be around “social drinkers.” If someone wants to drink with friends to have a good time, and not to get away from their problems, then I will be more than happy to be their D.D. for the night.

We left prom at 11:30. My group was trying to find something to do. We ended up getting a hotel room. We went to IHOP to eat then we came back to the hotel. I was with a group of people who do usually drink. Instead, we played truth or dare, stayed up until 5 AM talking, and then we passed out. Honestly it was one of the best nights of my life. I couldn’t be more proud of my friends, because they had a great time without drinking. It was not anyone’s goal of the night. We had a great time, because we were making memories.

What will you remember after High School?

April 20, 2010

With the school year winding down, I will be graduating and moving on with my future outside of high school. The other night I was sitting there thinking about the past four years of High School. I began to realize how lucky I was, because I have enjoyed High School so much. Every day I hear people complain about how they are sick of school and so on, but did they ever really give it a chance? There are 3 reasons I enjoyed high school so much.

1. Because I did the best I could in my classes and tried really hard.

2. Because I wanted to have friends so I was outgoing and tried to talk to a lot of people.

3. Because I got involved.

Trying hard, making best friends and getting involved is what helped me to enjoy high school so much. And when I look back I am going to miss high school because of the friends I met and the groups I got involved with. Becoming a part of newspaper at my school introduced me to new people and now I will remember my friends for the rest of my life. I learned so much out of high school and had so much fun because I got involved. If you aren’t involved in your school I would highly recommend it before your time is up and you regret it. Have fun and enjoy your time as a high school student.

How to Deal With Bad Grades

April 19, 2010

We all get them. It just is unavoidable. But how do we tell our parents, who will no doubt be disappointed in us? How do we bring the grade up? These questions always run through my head when I get a bad grade.

A bad grade is different in everyones opinion. Some people think getting a C- is the worst thing in the world. OThers are excited when they see that C- on the top of their test, because it means they didnt fail it.

Telling my parents I got a bad grade is usually hard for me. Sometimes, what I do is I tell them that grade first, then I tell them I got a good grade on something else, like in a differnt class. Othertimes, I just come right out and say it, because I know that if I tell my parents, they’re going to trust me more in the future. They’ve also seen me studying and working hard, so they know that I’m doing the best I can. That usually lessens or takes away completely any punishment they would have given me if they had foudn out on their own through infinite campus.

Also, if you’re worried about how badly it affects your grade, you can ask your teacher for ways you could bring your grade up, like extra credit or out-of-school tutoring. Teachers are going to be happy to see that you’re making an effort to try to bring your grade up, and they’re going to try to help you too.

Oops, That was Embarrassing!

April 18, 2010

laughingLet’s face it. We all have embarrassing moments… between falling down stairs on accident, saying hi to someone who doesn’t see you or hugging someone who ended up not being the person you thought it was.

Here are some tips on what to do so you aren’t so embarrassed.

1. Laugh it off! Even if you’re no with a friend, just laugh about it then they will never know.

2. Pretend like you have the “I don’t care personality” if you act like it doesn’t bother you then people will think it doesn’t.

3. Start expanding your comfort zone. So things that make you a little uncomfortable like talk to a random stranger that way when you do something where you uncomfortable you know how you will respond.

4. Remember everyone has had an embarrassing moment! So it’s ok you’re not alone!

Independent Women

April 16, 2010

I just heard Kesha’s new single “Your Love is My Drug” and I think girls are stronger than this song makes us out to be. Why do we sit and feel sorry for ourselves after things don’t work out with a guy? It’s a cycle that never seems to end. Almost every girl’s facebook status is about a stupid boy. I’m sick of it because I know we’re better than this.

The only way to persevere is to be confident. Be independent and live for yourself. Don’t rely on a guy to make you happy. You’ve got to love yourself first if you’re going to love someone else.

Are you prom queen material?

April 15, 2010

Prom is right around the corner, in fact, on Saturday. Our high school, like most, always votes for a prom queen and king. Prom court, homecoming court, and winter formal prince/princesses have been traditions for years.

On the ballot this year are actually people who are genuine. They are all around good-hearted people. They have school spirit, are always smiling, and are friends with everyone. It’s definitely not a popularity contest. I have realized that some people just deserve to be prom queen.

“Prom queen material” is a way to live your life.

“For beautiful eyes, look for the good in others; for beautiful lips, speak only words of kindness; and for poise, walk with the knowledge that you are never alone.”–Audrey Hepburn

1. Never be selfish to the point where it affects someone else.
2. Seek the good in others, not their flaws.
3. Be confident, but never too independent to ask for help and be gracious for what you are given.
4. Smile and appreciate your life, smile for others, smile for yourself.
5. Be a dreamer. Live with your hopes high and set the bar, knowing you can do anything.

Parents and Teachers Can Prevent Bullying

April 15, 2010

With the recent media attention of bullying and it’s tragic effects, many parents and teachers are asking, what more can we do?   One simple and powerful thing adults can do is teach kids how to stand up to bullying.  Standing up against bullies doesn’t need to be done alone.   Equally important, parents and teachers need to start teaching this at a young age.

Recently, we had an example of this in our own home.  One of my kids is in elementary school and he was having problems with a friend who he claimed was being mean to him.  From what he described, it sounded like bullying.  One of the solutions we talked about was getting his friends to ignore the bully or to stand up against the bully with him.  Just the other day I overheard him telling his brother how his situation turned out.  He said he got his friends to tell this particular person his meanness wasn’t scaring anyone and wouldn’t work.  In this case, the bullying stopped.  It doesn’t always work out this way, but this is a powerful lesson we need to reiterate to our children from elementary school on.

Whether your child is the victim of the bullying or the witness or bystander, we need to talk to our kids abou thow to deal with bullies.  Let’s say, your daughter (or son) is the victim of bullying, whether its name calling or even being left out of a party or an event (situational bullying) help your child find a solution where others stand next to your daughter or son against the bully.  For example, pretend every girl was invited to a sleepover party except for one girl in the class.   If a group of girls goes to the hostess and says we won’t come to a party where someone is being excluded, most likely she’ll change her mind.

We need to do better at teaching our kids how to take a stand against bullies.  If you have a story to share about this, we’d love to hear it!

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Feel Good Playlist

April 14, 2010

dsc03627Sometimes I don’t have the right words to help my friends when they need advice. Sometimes people don’t want to hear what you want to tell them. Sometimes the best way to feel good, is to just “feel good.”

Attitude is everything. I believe that you can get through the toughest times if you just think optimistically. It’s your attitude that determines who you are and where you get in life.

These are some of my favorite songs to listen to when I’m down.

1. Jack Johnson- Sitting, Waiting, Wishing
2. Colbie Caillat-Bubbly
3. Blue October- Into the Ocean
4. Jason Mraz- Remedy
5. Train- Meet Virginia
6. Darius Rucker- Alright
7. Jimmy Eat World- Hear You Me
8. Dave Matthews Band- Funny the Way It Is
9. Red Jumpsuit Appartus- Your Guardian Angel
10. Kris Allen- Live Like We’re Dying

How to Get a Job: Advice for Teens

April 12, 2010

Are you looking for a job? Well I just got one and I thought I would share some tips on how to get one and how to handle and manage your time well.

1. Apply to different places. Don’t be picky. At first I was so picky saying things like I don’t want to work in fast food and so on. Well if you have that attitude it will be hard to find a job.

2. Give them a call. Once you have applied to places, give them a call around a week later if you have not heard anything. Introduce yourself and say I turned in an application and was wondering if you have had the chance to review it. This will impress them and hopefully they will want to set up a face to face interview.

3. Interview. Once they have called you and asked you a time to set up an interview, make sure you show up at least five minutes early, depending on where you work will depend on what you wear to the interview. But if you are a teen I would look nice with no holes in your jeans and a nice top. You always want to make a good first impression.

4. Call again. If you don’t hear back within a week from the time you got interviewed call them and ask them if they have given you any thought for the position.

5. Getting the job. Once you get the job, make sure you find out important things such as how much you make and around how many hours they think you will be working.

6. Training. Training can be scary and tough. Depending on your job and the people you work with you might be terrified to go do training. But just keep an open mind and try and learn. Everyone goes through training and that phase of not knowing what is going on, you will catch on believe me.

7. Get to know the workers and have fun. While you should always work hard and give your job the best you got, get to know the workers and have fun. You want to be able to enjoy your time at work and not dread it when you are scheduled.

8. Managing your time. If you are in school or have a life out of work like I do you will need to manage your time well. Make sure you make time for yourself, school work, and your job. If you are in school I would recommend only working two days a week and however many days you feel comfortable on the weekend. Make sure you still spend time with your family and friends. It will be overwhelming at first but you will realize how much you can do and still enjoy your life.

12 Easy Ways To Be Healthier

April 10, 2010

I’m not a health expert, but I do try to stay healthy and I found these tips to be really helfpul:

1) Drink Less Soda(or none at all!)

To put it simply, drinking soda is like drinking liquid sugar. Imagine filling a soda can almost full of sugar, then drinking it. That’s what you’re doing every time you have soda.
Sugar isn’t the only bad thing though. The acids in soda will eat away at your tooth enamel over time, causing tooth decay. There have been studies conducted proving a link between soda consumption and tooth decay.
Soda also has an addictive property to it. It’s full of caffeine! We’ve all seen how attached to coffee some people can get. Well, the same thing can happen with soda. It also doesn’t quench your thirst at all. The sodium and carbonation actually just make  you thirstier!
Over time, soda consumption can also lead to things like obesity, tooth decay, caffeine dependence, and bone weakening.

So resist the soda! Grab a water instead!

2) Pay Attention to Sodium Content

“A teaspoon of salt contains about 2,300 milligrams of sodium, and the amount recommended by most organizations is between 1,500 to 2,400 milligrams a day. It’s easy to consume twice as much per day, and many Americans do so, averaging from 2,500 to 5,000 milligrams a day.”

Click Here to learn more about the sodium content of everyday foods. This article is very informative!

3) Don’t Eat Until You Get A Food Baby Every Time

We’ve all done it, and we do it too much. Mom makes your favorite dinner, and you just can’t stop eating! Before you know it you have a “food baby”, or that extra little gut you can’t get rid of for a day or two. So when you’re eating a meal or even just snacking, know when to stop. You can tell if you’re too full to eat anymore, or if you’ll be too full IF  you eat anymore. It’ll take some will power at first, but after awhile you’ll prefer the smaller portions.

4) Snack on Fruits and Veggies, Instead of Junk Food

Instead of grabbing for the chips, grab something healthier. A very nutritious snack(and one of my favorites) is to cut up an apple, and eat it with peanut butter. It’s delicious, and it gives you a healthy energy boost if eaten before exercising. Some other good snacks are carrot sticks, celery, any type of berry, cut up cantaloupe, bananas(also delicious with peanut butter!), dried cranberries, or grapes(try freezing them).

5) Walk Your Dogs

It’s an easy way to get in some exercise and get your pet out of the house at the same time. If you think it’s boring, try changing up the route you take, going for longer walks each time, or even taking your dog to the park to walk around there!

6) Hang Out At The Park With Friends

On nice days, get a group together to go to the park! You can play football, basketball, frisbee, volleyball, soccer, just walk around, or even play on the playground! Being outside with your friends is always a good time, and you’ll be burning calories by moving around.

7) Go Swimming A Lot!

Who doesn’t love swimming? The water resistance is a good work out for your muscles, which in turn burns calories. Try different water games like Chicken and Marco Polo. Chicken is where you get into pairs and one person gets on their partner’s shoulders. Then the people on top try to make the other people fall over. The last pair standing wins! And I think we all know how to play Marco Polo!

8) Eat Breakfast

Even if it’s just a bagel or some fruit, eating a good breakfast can significantly help you lose weight. When you eat a little something(preferably a healthy something) in the morning, it gets your digestive system going. That way, by the time you eat lunch, your body is ready and waiting to process the nutrients. Not only that, but eating breakfast will help you wake up. Watch out for sugary breakfast foods though! Go for whole grain cereals, granola bars, or fruit.

9) Drink Water

Over half of the human body is made up of water, but it can get depleted easily, especially in the hot summer. If you’re going to be outside for extended periods of time, be sure to drink plenty of water beforehand. It wouldn’t hurt to take a water bottle with you either. The same goes for exercising. The more water you drink beforehand, the less dehydrated you’ll feel during and after you work out. Water can also help curb your hunger between meals if you don’t have a snack!

10) Look At The Serving Size

You’d be surprised by how small some servings are meant to be, especially on things like cereal and pasta. Simply eating the recommended serving size will help a lot.

11) Get Your Whole Grains

This can be easy and it’s really good for you! It’s as easy as looking for the words “whole grain” on certain food items. Try it in breads, cereals, granola bars, crackers, rice, pasta, and tortillas.  The USDA recommends that we get 3 servings of whole grains a day. Unfortunately, the average American only gets 1 serving a day. Whole grains are a good source of fiber, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants.

12) Research!

Don’t be afraid to look online for even more, better, and more specific health tips for what you want. The internet is full of useful information, but also has a lot of phony websites. Just be sure you’re on a legitimate website when getting something as important as tips for your body.

Check out this awesome link about the 5 foods you should eat every day. It has some surprising facts about foods that you may already love!

The 5 Foods You Should Eat Everyday

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