
Teen Workshop Set

July 19, 2008

Latest News from the Edwardsville Intelligencer

Boys in the Army

July 18, 2008

This summer, my boyfriend left for Fort Leonard Wood, an army base in Missouri about three hours away from me. Although the experience has been quite different for me, it has also been very rewarding in many ways.  Read more

Do You Glow?

July 17, 2008

asimweThe last few days have been very exciting for me. I was in Dallas, Texas for the annual eWomen Network conference. I met the most incredible women and heard the most amazing stories. There is so much that I learned that I want to share with all of you! I hope to share these ideas and tips in various blog posts over the next month. One exciting projec that Sandra Yancey the founder has started is the Glow Project. Yes, it’s geared for women, but the reason I’m sharing this with all of you is because these are women we can all look up to! They have overcome some of the most difficult circumstances and still continue to glow. You can read more at Do you know anyone who just glows? What makes her so special?

Thinking About Travel? Consider Going Abroad.

July 14, 2008

lisalaurie2I just got back from a trip to Europe where I went to Rome, Florence, and the south of France. It was the best vacation I have ever been on! Not only did I get to visit another country, but I learned so much.

Top reasons to travel out of the country:

1. Meet new people.

While in Europe, I had the opportunity to meet so many different people. Everyone was incredibly nice and really open to talking to me. People were just as curious to hear about me and where I was from as I was to learn about them. Plus, the boys were very outgoing and easy to talk to (if they spoke English).

2. Experience a new culture.

Of course I sampled the local food while I was overseas, but I also made a point to see and learn about where I was. Everything was so different from the United States, but it was so cool to be a part of it.

Check back soon for more reasons to see the world!

Friends + Dreams + Action

July 10, 2008

n15900106_35260478_3949A lot of girls ask me why I started Girls With Dreams. In a nutshell, it comes down to 3 things: Friends + Dreams + Action. That is why we’re here. Let me explain a little more.

Friends: Our space is the best place to be yourself, meet other girls, realize you’re not alone in the issues that you face, and learn that we don’t need to compete with one another. We can accomplish so much more when we work together instead of put each other down!

Dreams: Our space is the best place to dream bigger, explore new interests, and find the tools to deal with the everyday stuff (peer pressure, friend problems, etc.) that gets in the way of living your best life.

Action: Get excited about taking action in your life and the world around you! It’s not always easy to take a stand for yourself and do things the way you want to, but that’s why we’re here! The other part of action is learning that we grow so much by giving, whether it’s reaching out to the girl who dropped her lunch or sending money to build schools in Africa. It’s all about getting outside of ourselves.

So do you think you could use more friends, dreams, or action in your life? We’re glad you stopped by and hope you’ll stay around, let us know what you think and tell your friends about us! If you really like us, contact us at about all the ways you can get involved!

Managing Time

July 8, 2008

Since summer is here, there are always a lot of things that are going on such as camps, birthdays, meetings, jobs, and summer school activities. I find myself always wondering what’s going to happen next, and I feel that I need to be doing something if I’m not doing anything. Read more

Do You Believe in Your Dream?

July 7, 2008

Have you ever done something that everyone else thought was impossible? Maybe you aced a test, ran a super fast mile, or accomplished some new goal. I was reading this article about Dara Torres, an Olympic athlete who we can all learn from!

Dara just broke her own record and is headed for the Olympics. The most interesting detail is that she is twice the age of most of her peers at 41, and the mother of a toddler. When asked how she did it, she said, that the water doesn’t know how old she is and she “just believed”. This is the lesson that is great for us to remember. The next time we’re faced with an impossible dream, goal, or opportunity, are we going to believe? Will we believe we can do it?

Can you share your story of believing in yourself?

Learning to Laugh at Yourself

July 3, 2008

n15900106_36528438_4070As I we grow up, it’s important to remind ourselves not to take things too seriously. I’ve had a lot going on this year, from getting engaged to buying our first house, and it would have been much more stressful if I hadn’t remembered to slow down and be grateful for what I have every once in a while. New experiences can make you feel vulnerable, but everything will work out just fine as long as you maintain a sense of humor.

As I’ve blossomed into adulthood, I’ve become my favorite source for a good laugh. We all do pretty silly things sometimes, so stop and take notice of the quirky things you do that might make you laugh. Whether it’s crying during Sister Act or always getting seconds on cereal when there’s milk left in the bowl, learning to laugh at yourself will make you a stronger person and make it easier to deal with difficult situations when they arise.

What are some funny things about you that help you take things less seriously?

Everyone Deals with Tough Stuff.

July 1, 2008

I had a little aha moment yesterday. Maybe it was more of a ‘duh’ moment. It reminded me again of all the reasons I started a Web site and wrote a book for teen girls. I was talking to some teens yesterday and they were sharing experiences they had growing up and in high school. Read more

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